Is Branding a Luxury?

Luxury branding

So many people want to ‘brand’ their businesses €“to be known in a sea of competitors as the best. And while this is certainly possible, it takes deep pockets and lots of time ” something most small businesses don’€™t have.

And so they say that branding is a luxury.

There are many other things that will bring in sales more quickly than branding. They define branding as anything done to make a company stand out in a sea of non-differentiated brands, and that includes everything from your logo to sponsoring events locally and nationally. There’s not a direct correlation between branding and sales.

The actions you should be taking before you get to branding include:

•   Making sure your product fits the market you intend it for
•  Sales efforts directed at your target audience
•   Promotions that reflect what your customers want
•   Advertising in targeted publications
•   Public relations: getting coverage in local and national media, as well as blogs
•   Social media, supporting the above efforts

They claim many small businesses tend to try to mimic the branding efforts of large corporations, and it’€™s simply not possible. There are different blueprints for each. Small businesses should focus on intimately knowing their target audience and communicating with them in a meaningful way. They should draw customers in with sales and promotions, then work to build loyal customers through trust and communication.

Branding is the icing on the cake; it’€™s what comes after you’ve successfully mastered the product and sales formula, and want to move forward to further establish recognition of your brand’€™s name. So if you’re a small business, work on reaching more of your target audience through the channels above. Then laser in on them and build trust. Branding can wait.


Their argument reinforces the fact that there is a lot of confusion in regards to what €œbranding€ really is. Branding is not €œmaking sure that all colors match€. Some of their recommendations are in fact €œbranding€: making sure your product fits the market you intend it for, knowing your target audience and communicating with them in a meaningful way.

Branding is choosing your niche market, choose a brand positioning that will differentiate yourself from competition and communicate that differentiation. Advertising, promotion and PR without the right strategy and message is a waste of money.

At DIGIBUTTERFLY, we do agree about small business not trying to mimic larger companies. That said we believe small businesses should have a brand identity which a logo is only a part. The reason for this is your brand identity comes from your positioning which is essential for any business as it is the basis for your communication. Our Chrysalis Business Starter package is channeled to this need.



  • Adebola Idowu

    Adebola Idowu


    You are very right about branding being the icing on the cake. How a company is perceived is partly dependent on the image portrayed but then the quality of service and product offered keeps the customer coming back for a repeat patronage.
    Branding without real substance to offer can’t sustain a business.
    And likewise, offering quality product and services without branding is limiting and a waste of opportunity.
    The two has to go hand in hand.

    Cool website you got here Digi!




      At DIGIBUTTERFLY, we believe a brand to be the total experience a prospect/customer has with a business. Thanks for letting your opinion known ma’am. Cheers!
      Also Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate.

  • amanikrateclothing



    digi i most commend you for the concept………..nice job bro!




      Thanks for the feedback. It is really appreciated. Cheers!

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